Outdoor Basics for Youth I
(3-part course)

WHERE: Gainesville, FL 
Fall 2024 (3 sessions)
Session 1:
Wednesdays 10am-12pm Sept 25, Oct 2 and 9 (enroll by Sept 18)
Session 2: Thursdays 10am-12pm Oct 17, 24 and 31, 2024 (enroll by Oct 10)
Session 3: Wednesdays 10am-12pm Nov 6, 13 and 20 2024 (enroll by Oct 30)
Spring 2025 (2 sessions)
Session 1: Wednesdays Feb. 19th, 26th and March 5th, (enroll by Feb 12th)
Session 2: Thursdays March 20th, 27th and April 3rd (enroll by March 13th)

COST: $60.00
AGES: 6 and up
TO ENROLL: Email name(s) an age(s) of child(ren) and name of attending adult to [email protected]. Please indicate which session you wish to take.
Overview: Outdoor Basics for Youth 1 is an introduction to the important components of outdoor safety and survival. This 3-part course covers the following topics: Safety, Shelter and Orienteering; Fire, First Aid and Survival; and Water, Fishing and Knot Tying. Upon completion of the class each student will receive a Certificate of Completion for The Crystalline Ranger’s Outdoor Basics for Youth Course.
Week 1: Safety, Shelter and Orienteering We begin with an active ice breaker activity. We will explore different principles of outdoor safety and have a group discussion of what to do if you’re lost. Students will dive right into map reading while exploring physical maps in small peer groups, then explore different methods of determining North, including using a compass. We will break out into groups for an orienteering scavenger hunt. Once we meet at the orienteering location, students will explore different shelter-building methods using natural materials and provided tools.
Week 2: Fire, First Aid and Survival We’ll start out with an ice breaker activity exploring friction then explore fire safety, ways fires can start, fire-staring materials, general principles of campfires, as well as first aid for burns. Different fire-related materials and tools will be passed around for students to inspect. Then we will dive into survival gear and skills including an interactive survival gear showcase. We will complete the class with two options for breakout activities including building a fire bow.
Week 3: Water, Fishing and Knot Tying This final class will be held at Horseshoe Lake Park. Many families may want to plan to stay longer, and enjoy the park, including swimming, fishing, hiking, picnic with grills, trails and a playground. We will begin with a group discussion covering basic water safety, then jump right into the icebreaker activity of knot tying. Other fishing methods will be demonstrated or displayed and students can interact with the lines, traps, etc. The grand finale breakout activity is building your own cane pole. You can then try your new pole in Horseshoe Lake. Certificates of completion and a potluck will complete this course.